, May 2009
Naxos has continued its survey of Beethoven protégé Ferdinand Ries’s excellent music. The latest release features the Piano Concerto Farewell to England […]
Naxos has continued its survey of Beethoven protégé Ferdinand Ries’s excellent music. The latest release features the Piano Concerto Farewell to England […]
The concert begins with his seventh concerto (A minor, 1823) written as a farewell to England, and accordingly given the title “Abschieds-Concert […]
No critic in his/her right mind would assert that Ferdinand Ries’ piano concertos are in the same aesthetic class as Beethoven’s works […]
Here we have three works in the grand 19th century tradition, unashamedly audience-pleasers, yet without pushing the boundaries of good taste. The […]
Though born in Germany, Ferdinand Reis, became England’s finest pianist in the first half of the 19th century, his fame linked with […]
Hinterhuber packt die technischen Hürden jedoch mit spielerischer Geläufigkeit, als wären sie nicht da, schält aus einem Dickicht von Noten herrlich verständliche […]
“Styriarte“-Triumph für Christopher Hinterhuber Auf den Ton sprungbereit zeigte sich der Pianist für die unerwarteten Fortschreitungen in Schuberts Sonate D 784 sowie die […]
Spirituelle Symphonik Dunkelheit, aber auch strahlende Helligkeit, ja jazzig swingende Heiterkeit vermittelten die sieben „Visions de l’ Amen“ für zwei Klaviere von […]